I use a lot of third party resources to make this site happen, and I want to give credit where credit is due.

Final Fantasy XIV © SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.
The game and assets obviously originate from the game, so thanks to Square Enix for making it!

Garland Tools
They're nice enough to share their data with me! 3.0 would have never happened without them!
These things are amazing. Kudos to the artists.

Order of the Blue Gartr
Lots of great FFXIV info. My levequest information was originall gathered from user Seravi Edalborez. Thanks Seravi!

Gamer Escape Wiki
Gotta love Wiki's. This helped me confirm a lot of data.
Resources / Links
A lot of other sites have contributed in smaller ways. These are just generally useful!

The FFXIV subreddit © reddit inc
It's a great resource and community. A lot of good ideas and additions to my site have come through here.

Hunting Log Guides
I really like the way they laid these out.

High Level Gathering clock

FFXIV Gear Calculator
Gear progression for your end-game character

FFXIV Crafting Optimizer
Crafting simulators and solvers